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Is Your Denture in Need of Replacement?

March 19, 2021

Person holding dentures in Allentown

Dentures are one of the most affordable options in dentistry to date to address severe tooth loss. Whether you’re missing teeth in one arch or both, they offer a reasonable solution that makes chewing food and speaking considerably easier compared to living with missing teeth. However, they are not designed to last forever, which means they will require replacement eventually. To determine when you should absolutely replace your dentures in Allentown, take a look at the following signs from a dentist who provides dentures every day!

The Denture Feels Loose or Keeps Falling Out

When chewing and speaking, a solid denture that fits properly will stay in place with the support of your gums. If at any time you start to notice your denture becoming loose or falling out throughout the day, there’s a chance that it needs professional attention. The last thing you should do is rely on denture adhesive on a daily occurrence as this material is really meant to help you get used to a new denture.

Difficulty Speaking with Clarity

If a denture is loose, speaking becomes not only difficult, but a chore. For example, you may find yourself slurring your words more often than usual. A dentist can examine it more closely to determine if an adjustment or replacement is in order, ensuring you can speak with friends and family again without any miscommunication.

Severe Stains, Cracks, or Other Damage

Chips and cracks in your denture are not normal and need to be addressed as soon as possible. The same goes for teeth that are missing loose. If you notice discoloration in your teeth, it might be because they are very old or because you consume a lot of beverages that are known to stain restorations (i.e. coffee, tea, wine, etc.)

Chronic Discomfort During Use

Dentures are not supposed to cause pain or discomfort in any way while in use. If they do, it’s probably because they are too worn down and need to be adjusted or repaired in some way. In some cases, sores, lesions, or other changes to your gum tissue can be an indicator that you need to have them replaced.

Why It’s So Important to Replace Dentures

Dentures are always custom-made to fit your mouth exactly, which is why they act as a great option for replacing several teeth. They allow you to chew with greater confidence, speak to others with clarity, and keep your bite and jaw in their correct positions. Without a proper-fitting denture, you may feel less inclined to wear it, which in turn can lead to accelerated breakdown of the bone ridge. This can lead to decreased biting force, making it much more difficult to chew food and maintain a balanced diet.

With a denture that fits comfortably, you can enjoy more of your favorite foods and experience a better quality of life. If you’re not sure if your denture needs to be repaired or replaced, get in touch with a dentist today and they’ll be able to confirm and address your needs!

About the Author

Dr. Bradford Young has been practicing in dentistry for over a decade now and takes long-term oral health very seriously. He loves not only helping older patients acquire a denture they can enjoy using, but creating dental experiences that are positive and enjoyable from start-to-finish. To schedule an appointment or determine if your denture needs to be replaced, you can contact him through his