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Bradford Young Blog

What Can You Expect if You Delay Root Canal Therapy?

May 7, 2023

a digital image of a tooth that needs root canal therapy

It’s not uncommon for people to avoid going to the dentist. It’s been estimated that roughly one-third of Americans steer clear of their dental office. It can be even more tempting to not give your smile the professional care it needs if your dentist has told you that you need a dental procedure like root canal therapy. However, there are some negative repercussions if you keep delaying this necessary treatment. Read on to learn three reasons why you shouldn’t avoid getting a root canal.


Is it True that Root Canals Cause Cancer?

April 7, 2023

patient getting a root canal

Root canals are one of the most commonly maligned dental procedures, which is a real shame. Root canals can save teeth that may be beyond help by any other means, painlessly and with virtually no risk of complications.

One of the most prominent myths has to do with a supposed connection between root canals and cancer. There’s no truth to this, but the myth has regained prominence in recent years. Here’s why there isn’t anything to be worried about.


5 Myths About Root Canals, Debunked!

January 5, 2023

patient learning about root canal myths from dentist

Root canal therapy is a treatment used to repair severely infected teeth. Though this procedure is incredibly common and has a 95% success rate, an abundance of misinformation about it has spread over the years, causing patients to be afraid of this treatment. Fortunately, most if not all of the bad things you know about root canals aren’t true. Continue reading as we debunk five common myths about root canals.


Stocking Stuffers for Healthy Smiles!

December 16, 2022

a stocking surrounded by gifts

It’s that magical time of the year! Part of the excitement is giving your little one presents they will truly use and love. As you make your list of gifts to buy, you can include some that are also good for their oral health! Read on for three stocking stuffer gifts that are sure to bring a healthy and happy smile for the year to come.


Tips to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving for Your Teeth

November 4, 2022

people drinking red wine during holidays

Getting together with your family and friends for a vast array of delicious foods, what could be better? Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday of many, but to your teeth, it is a journey with concerning, yet avoidable, threats. With some sound decision-making, you can ensure a healthy Thanksgiving for your teeth. Keep reading to get tips from your dentist in Allentown.


5 Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Veneers

October 28, 2022

person with porcelain veneers smiling

If your smile is discolored, gapped,  misaligned, chipped, or cracked, porcelain veneers might be the right treatment for you. This cosmetic treatment is incredibly common for the wide range of issues it can correct, and the veneers process only takes about two appointments to complete. If you’re thinking about undergoing this treatment, make sure you have all the information you need before proceeding. Read on to learn more about how to extend the lifespan of your porcelain veneers.


4 Common Myths About Dentures – Busted!

September 29, 2022

Woman at dentist for denture consultationDentures have been used for generations to treat significant tooth loss. Although they are a tried-and-proven solution, they haven’t had the best reputation over the years. Much of what you might have heard is not true, thanks to continual improvements in dentistry. Don’t let rumors stand in your way of completing your smile. Here are the facts you need behind 4 common myths about dentures. 


Dentures: Do They Affect Your Nutrition?

August 16, 2022

older person with dentures sitting on couch smiling

Are you missing teeth or don’t have any left? Do you miss being able to eat a variety of nutritious foods without issue? If either of these statements relates to you, then you may be considering getting dentures. These restorations are a great way to once again have a full smile and allow you to gain back some of your bite power. Dentures are one of the most common methods of tooth replacement, but can they impact how much nutrition you get from your food? Read on to learn about how these two things are linked.


4 Reasons Why Summer Is the Best Time for Teeth Whitening

July 13, 2022

person smiling on beach after undergoing teeth whitening

Teeth whitening treatments are a common way to brighten one’s smile. they work by lifting years’ worth of stains from the teeth to give them a brighter, more youthful appearance. Though getting your teeth whitened any time of the year offers a range of benefits, there are several reasons why you should consider undergoing this treatment in the summertime. Read on to learn about four benefits of having your teeth whitened during the summer.


4 Reasons to See Your Dentist Before Summer Vacation

May 18, 2022

person on summer vacation smiling on a beach

When it comes to summer vacation, the excitement is palpable. After studying for exams or saving up your PTO all year, many people can’t wait to finally go on the trip they’ve been planning since last summer. With all the excitement revolving around this time of year, your smile may not be on the top of your priority list. Even so, right before summer vacation is often the best time to go see your dentist. Read on to learn why!
