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Your Dentist in Allentown Says to Keep Your Toothbrush Safe

October 3, 2018

Closeup of toothbrush.Brushing your teeth is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think about oral healthcare. It’s your first line of defense against tooth decay and other issues like gum disease, but did you know you have to take care of your toothbrush just like it takes care of you? Keep reading to learn how to keep your toothbrush clean and why it’s important to make sure you’re using a safe brush from your dentist in Allentown.

Find a Good Home for Your Brush

When it comes to storing your toothbrush, placement matters. Although you probably knew your toilet was a source of germs, you should also know that these germs can travel in the air farther than you think. Be sure to keep your brush far from your toilet to keep it clean of bacteria that travels in the air.

Additionally, store your brush so it can’t be splashed by the sink or soap on the counter. Carve out a space far from your sink and toilet as a spot for you and your family’s brushes. If you have a short counter or limited space, consider a toothbrush holder that is mounted on the wall. If you can get your brush at least 4 feet from the toilet bowl, you’re in business!

Your Brush Needs Air

Bacteria grows faster in damp conditions, so its vital to keep your brush in open air. This will ensure that it dries out properly. Avoid storing your brush in a closed container or travel case for too long because it won’t allow your brush’s bristles to fully dry.

Don’t Share

When buying your family’s toothbrushes, make sure that each family member has a different color and/or style of brush, so they are easily distinguishable. Living together, you and your loved ones already share enough germs. Using each other’s brushes can transfer bacteria from mouth to mouth and storing brushes where they are touching each other can have the same effect.

Clean Often

Toothbrush holders and containers can become dirty and messy overtime, so it’s important to clean them frequently to safeguard your brushes from dust, germs, and bacteria buildup. Keeping a clean counterspace in the brushing area can also help prevent bacteria from transferring to your bristles.

Maintaining good oral health is important, so the tools you use to clean your teeth should be clean too right? Use the above tips to stay on top of you and your family’s oral hygiene.

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Bradford G. Young is an Allentown native who loves caring for patients in his hometown community. He likes interacting with families and their kids to watch them and their teeth grow over time. He currently runs his own practice where he can be contacted through his website or by phone at (610) 439-1363 for any questions.