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Don’t Let Summer End Before Your Child Has a Back-to-School Dentist Appointment!

August 16, 2019

Little boy at dentistSummer vacation is almost over, and pretty soon everyone will be returning to their normal daily routines. You probably have a lot of things you need to take care of before the school year begins – getting new clothes, buying school supplies and so on. But if you’ve been putting off a family visit to the dentist in Allentown, you might want to add it to your list; now could be your best chance for a while!

Why See the Dentist in the Summer?

Most patients, young and old, should see their dentist at least twice a year, but making time for the appointments can be the hardest part. When your children are in school, you probably won’t want to pull them out of class; who knows what they could miss or what they might need to do to catch up? It creates a lot of additional stress for everybody.

During the summer, you’ll have far fewer scheduling conflicts to worry about; you can simply call the dental office and pick a time that works best. And because your child won’t have any homework or tests to worry about, they’re likely to be in a better mood, making the visit much more enjoyable overall.

The extra free time in summer also makes it the perfect opportunity for treatments that require a few days of healing. For example, older teens might need to have their wisdom teeth removed. The more time they’re given to rest at home, the better it will be for recovery overall.

Why are Regular Dental Visits So Important?

If your children didn’t have an appointment at the beginning of their vacation, it’s all the more important for them to have a checkup sooner rather than later. Your little ones probably indulged in a lot of candy, soda and other sugary foods in the past few months that put them at a higher risk of tooth decay. The earlier potential cavities are found and treated, the more likely it is you’ll avoid the need for treatments such as root canal.

It’s especially important for young children to have their appointments to maintain excellent oral health. While they may be able to brush by themselves, in many cases they won’t be able to reach their back molars well enough to clean them effectively. The dentist has plenty of tools that can help protect your little ones’ teeth while they’re still developing, such as dental sealants that serve as added defense against bacteria.

Make the Appointment Right Away!

It’s true the end of summer can be a hectic time, but things will only get busier for you and your family afterwards. Why delay important dental appointments when now would be much more convenient?

About the Author

Dr. Bradford G. Young graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Dental School in 2002 and served as part of the expert care team at the Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital in Allentown from 2002 to 2012. He enjoys being able to see children and families grow over time. To schedule a back-to-school appointment at his practice, Bradford Young Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, visit his website or call (610) 439-1363.